Reform is any modification, substitution, action, incorporation or deletion carried out on a vehicle after its registration, which either changes any of its characteristics or modifies any data appearing on the vehicle's ITV card.
Background and objective
A high level of technological knowledge and strict compliance with safety standards and regulations come into play in the vehicle design and manufacturing phases. Finally, the requirements of the conformity assessment processes ensure that they begin their useful life, guaranteeing a high level of security for their users.
However, throughout their useful life, vehicles may undergo modifications motivated by functional, productive, economic, aesthetic, etc. reasons. In general, if the modification process is not carried out under controlled conditions, certain safety elements present in the original vehicle may be deactivated or new risks may be created against which the vehicle is unprotected. In accident investigations and analysis, it is not uncommon to find basic causes related to vehicle modifications that had not been correctly managed.
The objective of LABORATORIO TÉCNICO DE REFORMAS, S.L. is to extend to modified vehicles the safety guarantees that they had when they were launched or initially marketed.
Implementation method
THE USER of a vehicle proposes a change in it for reasons of functionality, economy, quality improvement, etc.
If the change is deemed appropriate, a DESIGNER team specifies its technical aspects through a project.
A TECHNICAL REFORM SERVICE carefully analyzes the risks introduced by the change. Unless these are intolerable, a process begins that may involve: alterations to the initial project, implementation of complementary security measures, etc. Finally, someone with authority approves the implementation of the change.
The change is carried out, by a WORKSHOP, in accordance with the latest version of the project and with complementary security measures.
END OF WORK/ITV: Before commissioning the system, it is verified that it has been installed in accordance with the project and with any other additional considerations.
ITV: Changes are documented and recorded in the technical documentation associated with the system.
(*) Given the complexity of some types of reforms, we advise you to put yourself in the hands of professionals dedicated to managing vehicle approvals.
1. Technical project
Detailed technical project of the reform to be carried out and final certificate of work indicating that it has been carried out in accordance with the provisions of said project, both signed by a competent qualified technician. The work certification will expressly state the workshop and the date on which it was carried out. This technical project must be presented to the issuer of the conformity report.
According to the reforms manual in force, the technical project or the workshop certificate must collect the necessary data so that the issuer of the conformity report can evaluate compliance or non-affection of the mandatory Regulatory Acts in each Reform Code, making express mention to each element or system modified or added.
According to note 3.8.5 of the ISO 9000 standard, a document is information and the medium in which it is contained, indicating in Note 1 the possibility that this information is contained in photographs. Given that this information according to note 3.8.2 of the same standard is data, it is appropriate to indicate the way in which said photographs can be used by LTR to evaluate compliance or non-affectation of the affected regulatory acts or to verify the integrity of the data that sent.
In particular, modified masses and dimensions with respect to the original vehicle, and defined by the applicant, the installation dimensions (only dimensional magnitudes) of the different devices of the vehicle itself and the angles of curvature through the Regulatory Acts will be admitted for the justification of the Regulatory Acts. of photographs and/or plans where the minimum radii are clearly identified. The technical project will never exempt from compliance with the Regulatory Act.
Front headlight height
Front lights height
Handlebar width
Pilots separation
Rear lights height
License plate
Headlight separation
Rear lights separation
Rear ground clearance
Front ground clearance
Height to top edge
Separation between them
Rear distance
Front distance
Top/bottom edge height
Separation between them
Lateral distance
Device height
Top/bottom edge height
Visibility angle
Top/bottom edge height
Visibility angle
Anterior border
Back edge
Ground clearance/body clearance
Important: The geometric visibility angles are considered valid if the installed components are at surface level of the bodywork and are not recessed into it. In the event that there are protruding elements of the bodywork that may interfere with the visibility angles, they must be sufficiently separated from these elements so that the license plate or lighting device can be completely seen from the opposite side of the vehicle. The separation between the protruding element and these elements will be as much as possible to avoid interference.
If the image plane is parallel to the object plane, a grating (or reticulated object) appears in the image without any deformation. The photographic image is metric, it is a cartographic plane: it is only necessary to determine its scale in order to obtain real dimensions of the object. To do this, it is enough to know the object distance between any two points in the image.
Currently there are public domain digital image processing programs such as "ImageJ", validated by official organizations such as the National Institutes of Health of the United States government, useful for this function.
Documents based on the instructions of the General Directorate of Energy and Industrial and Mining Activity of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia:
Document 1.- Model of Affidavit of Origin of parts, which must be filled out by the APPLICANT (vehicle owner, designer or workshop).
Document 2.- Workshop Certificate Model, which must be issued by the workshop in the event that an itemized invoice for the renovation is not attached, indicating the parts incorporated and/or replaced.
Therefore, if during the inspection there are doubts about the origin of the pieces used to carry out the renovation, the APPLICANT will have two options:
1.- Attach Document 1, checking the PARTS PURCHASED BY THE APPLICANT box and attaching the invoices or purchase receipts for the replaced elements when they are security elements and pieces or, in other cases, as specified in the document, it will be specified. the name of the part and the name and CIF of the entity where the part was acquired.
2.- Attach Document 1, checking the PARTS ACQUIRED BY THE WORKSHOP box and present the invoice or certificate from the workshop where the parts used are referenced (Document 2).
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