Historical Vehicles

Do you have a restored vehicle or not that is more than 30 years old? We will arrange for you to convert it into a historic vehicle.

Vehicle reform and approval


  • In many municipalities, they are exempt from paying the municipal circulation tax.
  • Mandatory ITV inspections are becoming more frequent. They can be extended (depending on the car, from two to five years).
  • Historic vehicle insurance policies are cheaper. It is not that insurers "get involved", but that some policies require not to exceed 5,000 kilometers per year and the risks are reduced. There are also specific insurance policies for automobile clubs.
  • And very important today: they must not comply with the new anti-pollution legislation (control of gases, noise...).

The vehicle must be more than 30 years old. The measure to increase the age from 25 to 30 years has entered this month of May 2018 and is included in Royal Decree 920/2017 of the BOE. On the other hand, Royal Decree 1247/95, which approves the Regulation of Historic Vehicles, compiles what they are, conditions, requirements and documentation that govern their cataloguing, as well as the inspections and necessary circulation permits (without prejudice to the powers of the CCAA in their own autonomy statutes).

To classify the vehicle as historic, it must not have undergone technical modifications. Cars included in the General Inventory of Movable Property of the Spanish Historical Heritage or declared assets of cultural interest are also cataloged as such. And, of course, collector vehicles that, “due to their characteristics, uniqueness or manifest scarcity, deserve to be included in the historic vehicle regime”.

Procedures to convert your car into a historic vehicle

  • First of all, you must check that all the requirements are met.
  • Cataloging report issued by LABORATORIO TÉCNICO DE REFORMAS, S.L. providing whatever documentation is available to prove the characteristics of the car
  • Resolution of the Autonomous Community.
  • Technical vehicle inspection (ITV) where a new technical inspection card is prepared where the new specifications and driving restrictions are included.
  • Registration at the corresponding Provincial Traffic Headquarters: Consult the DGT

¿How do I make my historic vehicle?

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